Monday, September 19, 2016

The 5 best foods for the best hair

Maybe it's just me, but it seems like some people can get 5 inches of new hair just by sneezing. Not me. I've always had the hardest time growing my hair out. I dream of lengthy glamorous hair that can cover my breasts if I suddenly find myself in a Blue Lagoon-type situation, but my hair grows so slowly it's almost impossible. For years I tried several products from every price range that promised results but it wasn't until I did some research and made a few changes in my diet that I really noticed my hair growing a lot faster and also healthier. Here are the 5 foods that will do the trick for you too:

1. Legumes
Legumes (especially beans) are very helpful for hair growth and even reparation of damaged hair because they are packed full of proteins, iron, and zinc. Iron is the best ally against hair loss and zinc is essential in hair production so eat as many beans as you can!

2. Carrots
Carrots are just amazing. They have lots of Beta-carotene that synthesizes into Vitamin A, which does many important things for your body while it nourishes your hair and strengthens your scalp. The best thing is, it's super easy to incorporate them in your daily diet, they taste delicious in savory foods but also go great in smoothies and juices so you can have them every morning.

3. Nuts
Nuts have high levels of proteins and vitamin E that will prevent hair loss, make your hair shiny and your bones stronger. They're also an important source of fiber and antioxidants so If you don't already eat nuts everyday, you really should! They are also incredibly easy (and delicious) to incorporate in your daily life as snacks, in smoothies or crushed and sprinkled on top of any salad.

4. Flaxseed (also known as linseed)
These tiny brown seeds may not look like much but trust me, your hair craves them. They're an amazing source of Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin B1 and B6 (and lots of other good stuff) which means they help pretty much in every step of the way: strengthening scalp and hair follicles, promoting proper lubrication, and producing new healthy hair. If there was a definite recipe for beautiful, luscious hair, flaxseed would be in it. A great way to eat flaxseed is also in smoothies and salads or ground and mixed with water as an egg substitute for baking.

5. Citrus
Citrus and other fruits like kiwi and guava will provide all the Vitamin C your hair needs to be long and healthy. Vitamin C helps produce collagen, which is the key protein for healthy hair production. It also hydrates the scalp and hair, makes it softer and stronger preventing breakage and hair loss. Start the day drinking citrus infused water, your hair will thank you and you'll feel great! Always remember that drinking a good amount of water and eating a good amount of greens is also important for hair growth. Taking good care of your diet will give you the best and longest hair you can have.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Common Causes and How to Cope With Hair Loss for Women

We all know that hair loss is a problem concerning men for the most part, but this doesn't mean women don't suffer from it! Even though every case is special and there is no magic formula for all of them, there is some general advice I can give you to cope with it. However, let's discuss some of the common causes of hair loss in women.


By far the most common cause. If you have a relative that experiences hair loss, especially your mom, aunts or grandmothers, then you'll probably experience it too - if you haven't already. Hereditary hair loss, also known as androgenetic alopecia, causes thinning of your hair behind the bangs and it can start as early as your twenties. It might eventually cover other places on the scalp, but it develops slowly as time goes by.

Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism

Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism is an underproduction or overproduction of the thyroid hormone respectively, and it has hit millions of people, mostly women. They can cause many symptoms which are more serious, but hair loss is one of the symptoms.

Mistreatment of hair

Do you style your hair with VERY tight ponytails or cornrows often? Do you use your flat iron every day? Then you will develop some hair loss sooner or later. Excessive pulling and heating of the hair will damage it, so you might want to choose a different, more forgiving style instead and stop literally roasting your hair on a daily basis - Did you try a good shampoo? Such as Fantane or Nioxin, or any shampoo that contains biotin?

These are the most common causes and what can you do about them if they have already taken their toll? I have already made a blog post about this - in fact, the very previous one - that can answer this question.

One important thing you should do though when you are already suffering is to cope with it. It is difficult, I know since women see their hair as part of who they are; it's part of our identity, but it is important because it will boost your confidence.

Join a support group

Yes, there are support groups for hair loss. Try finding one that you can join as it will help you be more confident. It serves as a gathering place with people that you can share your experiences with hair loss. Every person that joins such groups is a person like you who needs some support about it. It's a wonderful way to utilize the next advice right below.

Talk about it

Sometimes, you just need some support from other people and talking about your problem is the way to get it. It is not useful for hair loss only, but for almost every other problem you can have in your life. Discuss it with your friends and family, tell them how you feel about it. They will try to make you feel better and you will also slowly start accepting it this way - it's not easy to accept it either.

You could also start talking to people online via chat rooms or other services and you could also find people who have hair loss too and exchanging your stories, opinions and feelings will help you a ton.

Hair loss is hard, especially for a woman. There are many different causes of it, but there are always ways you can deal with it! Don't be discouraged. You can get over it as long as you try!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

What are the reasons for hair loss?

Baldness / hair loss means the lack of hair growth in places where hair should grow, especially at the top. Normal amount of hair loss is natural. Dropping out of a hundred hairs here is absolutely normal. Hair loss is not normal is when falling over one hundred hairs a day. Is not always possible to know there is an abnormal drop out. Significant hair thinning and \ or baldness are a problem. If there is excessive hair loss and thinning hair without serious can make the pillow test to check whether the normal drop-out - cleaned assume the pillow at bedtime and in the morning to count the hairs on the pillow - if there are more than 10 hairs, there is a chance that it comes to dropouts accelerated.

Main reasons for baldness \ hair loss:
Androgenetic alopecia
Cause of baldness in 95% of cases, most often occurs in men, but can also occur in women, particularly during menopause. Androgenetic alopecia is a genetic characteristics. Hair starts to fall out from the middle of the head. Cause this type of baldness is a hormone called (Dhidrotstostron) DHT. This hormone affects the sex and body hair. It is not clear what is the mechanism which takes some of the hormone DHT hair dilution, but studies show that hormone that begins the process of reducing the hair follicle. Gradually thinning hair until it becomes fluffy. The last step is a complete lack of hair. Source DHT is testosterone, the male hormone, which makes the hormone DHT in the body by an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. Hair growth medications contain ingredients that prevent the activity of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase and thereby reduce the levels of DHT and prevent baldness. Which drugs most often side effects such as impotence and lack of libido.

Alopecia due to hair pulling. This psychological phenomenon occurs more in children than in adults. It is a mental disorder characterized by an inability to control the urge to pluck the hair. This causes hair loss, especially in the scalp.

Such as chemotherapy, radiation to the scalp, births, complicated surgery, poisoning and extreme stress. Extreme stress causes baldness called TELOGEN EFFLUVIUM

Hair loss due to birth
This condition is characterized strung hair but does not lead to baldness. In this situation, the hair gets thicker during pregnancy due to increased levels of estrogen. After the baby's birth and falling estrogen levels are balanced and excess hair falls out. Hair loss due to birth can be caused by nutritional deficiencies. During pregnancy increases demand for essential food components such as vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. This requirement increases even more during breastfeeding. If the mother is eating a balanced diet, lacking can develop and cause many symptoms, among them a depletion of hair.

A lack of iron
A common cause of hair thinning, although that does not cause baldness

Scalp fungus
Can cause massive hair loss: TINEA CAPITIS fungus, ringworm is most common in children and rare in adults. Instead of the infected fungus will not grow hair. Prompt treatment is essential to ensure that hair will grow again and the affected area.

Alopecia Aarth
An autoimmune disease in which the body produces antibodies that damage the hair pigment proteins, creating inflammation, and as a result of falling hair. The disease can occur at a single point in the scalp or entire body.

Hypothyroidism - hyperthyroidism
May cause hair loss, usually at the front of the scalp and the outer third of the eyebrows.

Furthermore hypothyroidism - hyperthyroidism
May cause hair loss especially on the sides of the scalp

Temporary baldness due to skin cyst
Usually lasts up to several weeks.

Natural naturopathic treatment - alopecia - hair loss
As part of patients turn to NT important first to understand the cause of baldness or hair loss. The goal of treatment understand too late to address the problem. Since balding or hair loss is the only symptom, it is get to the root problem and treat it accordingly. The first stage diagnosis is a comprehensive blood tests to rule out iron deficiency, under-active or over-active thyroid and general health status. In addition to an extensive questioning about Naturopath medical history, birth if the woman, stress levels and dietary habits. If massive baldness and form islands-islands should be ruled by a dermatologist presence of the fungus and alopecia Aarth.
According to the diagnosis tailored treatment plan:

Nutritional deficiencies
If there are nutritional deficiencies upgrade to a detailed nutritional diet menu that includes all the essential ingredients to the body. If there is lack of blood tests to be considered nutritional supplements. You should also check if there is a proper absorption of the digestive system. Abnormal lead absorption nutritional deficiencies, even if well balanced diet.

In the course of teaching Naturopath understand too late, the patient relaxation techniques. In addition, you can combine relaxation techniques such as contact purposes reflexology.

In the course of understand too late, you can use custom herbal medicine external and internal kill the fungus. Some herbs are very effective antifungal workers.

Alopecia Aarth
This conventional treatment is cortisone, which reduce inflammation in the follicle. You can reduce the level of inflammation in the framework of patients turn to NT by diet, nutritional supplements and anti-inflammatory herbs. By eating fats Reduce inflammation and proinflammatory avoiding fats, can reach a balance and prevent the damage of the disease.

Androgenetic alopecia
Herbs are working to lower the DHT hormone levels that cause no side effects. Whichever is the known SAW PALMETTO has been scientifically proven to influence the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. Formula Match herbs can help prevent baldness and hair growth.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Eight Natural Hair Loss Remedies

Hair loss is a fear that is shared by millions of people around the world. The specter of baldness has haunted 
mankind for centuries. As a result, the market is full of creams, lotions, tonics, and various remedies that promise to stop hair loss and promote hair growth. Some of these remedies have been founded on solid scientific research, while others are based solely on wild speculation and shameless profiteering. Here are eight natural hair loss remedies to help separate fact from fiction when it comes to hair loss and baldness.

1. Saw Palmetto 

This berries of this plant are getting much attention for their ability to stop hair loss. Saw palmetto readily available in tablet or capsule form wherever nutritional supplements are sold. Research has shown saw palmetto to be effective in 60% of patients tested in regards to slowing or stopping hair loss. However, despite the promising results in the scientific community and all the hype around it, saw palmetto has not been thoroughly tested enough to make an outright assertion that it is, indeed, effective in stopping hair loss. It is also not yet been shown regrow hair.

2. Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil is extracted from the jojoba plant, and many tout it's benefits to hair health. The theory is that jojoba can help cleanse the scalp of sebum, which is the natural oil your body produces to maintain moisture levels in the scalp and skin. Natural sebum can clog hair follicles and hinder hair growth, but jojoba oil effectively clears these follicles of sebum build-up. This will allow new hair to grow. Jojoba oil then acts as a replacement sebum, maintaining the health of the hair you already have. This oil also invigorates blood flow to the scalp and follicles, which results in a healthier and more productive scalp.

3. Onion Juice 
Onions have long been used in various home remedies. Now they are being used to stop hair loss. Many people claim that onion juice has worked for them in preventing hair loss, and there may be some science to support their claims. Onions are highly sulfuric, which is great for hair. Sulfur can improve the health of strands already formed upon the head and prevent breakage. Onions also contain antibacterial and antifungal properties that can rid the scalp of bacteria and parasites that can impede new hair growth. To use, one must simply juice an onion, apply the juice to the hair, and rinse out after approximately 15 minutes. The drawback is, of course, the fact that onions have a strong odor and the juice may sting the eyes.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) 
 Apple cider vinegar seems to be a "cure-all" these days and it's proponents claim it can treat or even cure a whole litany of diseases and ailments, even hair loss. The idea is that the acv can help balance the pH of the scalp, which may strengthen follicles and deter hair loss. ACV will also cleanse the scalp of dandruff and unclog any troubled pores and follicles. The drawbacks are the same as with onion juice, however. Apple cider vinegar is remarkably strong in scent and may burn the eyes as well.

5. Olive Oil Olive 
oil is another home remedy that seems to be able to treat everything under the sun. In terms of hair loss, it is supposed to work similarly to other above mentioned remedies. The idea is that the oil can unclog follicles, stimulate blood flow, and strengthen existing strands. Olive oil can also act as an antibacterial and antifungal agent, further stimulating new hair growth as well as helping keep the existing hair and reducing hair fall.

6. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is one of the most widely used medicinal plants known to man, and it's properties extend to treating hair loss. The aloe vera extracts are widely available and can be taken orally, but the most significant results come from applying aloe vera oil directly to the scalp. The medicinal properties of the oil can treat a wide variety of scalp conditions, thus promoting new hair growth and promote existing hair health.

7. Healthy eating
As with most things, a healthy diet can work wonders. Eating a wide variety of healthy foods rich in a range of vitamins and minerals may be the biggest factor in fighting hair loss. Foods rich in Omega-6 and those rich in vitamin b12, iron, and zinc are particularly effective.

8. Hair Care 
The ways in which people care for their hair can go a long way in preventing hair loss. Dying hair with harsh chemicals can be particularly damaging to the strands as well as the scalp. High heats in curling and straightening irons may contribute to damaged strands and hair loss as well. Excessive brushing and combing should be avoided, as well as harsh shampoos and conditioners. It is important to realize that there are different causes of hair loss. These above treatments may be effective in stopping or reversing hair loss in many conditions. If hair loss is caused by genetics, however, then the treatments described may be effective in only slowing the inevitable hair loss. Until advances in genetics advance, there is no certain cure for male or female pattern baldness.

Further Reading: